Javier Ramon Brito Quotes

These quotes are some of my thoughts and insights about important matters. I gladly share them with you, hoping that you find inspiration in them.

They give you advice about decision making, manifesting, happiness, success, life, joy, passion, intuition, following your path, attachment and some of the law of attraction related issues, among other things.

Decision Making

Never make a decision based on fear or doubt induced by someone else.

Ask yourself why you desire something. Then ask why you want what you answered. Keep going until you discover whether it is true joy.

Life and Humanity

Some people see life as a trial. Others see it as a competition. Others see it as an adventure.

People usually appreciate the past when it is gone but rarely appreciate the present because they are busy working for the future.

When people show off, they want to see in the mirror of others how worthy they are and convince themselves about it. Do they really need a mirror?

Life is all about feelings. The real value of anything is the good feeling and the joy you experience with it.

Humanity is a beautiful rainbow made of different aura colors and a symphony of unique personal sounds when we all live in harmony.

We are all equal in essence and spirit. What makes you different in this world is the real value -and joy- you effectively add to the world.

Human existence is about appreciating the value you have, creating more value -making a living- and leaving more value to posterity. Remember to do all of this in joy.

All suffering in humanity has the same root: seeing the effect as the cause, and the cause as an effect.

Right Answers

To get the correct answer, you first need to ask the correct question to the correct source. For important matters, the correct source is your higher self, not somebody else's thinking self and not even somebody else’s feeling self.

What is your general staple answer for everyday matters? When you understand Ayurveda, you realize that Pitta people say: to be smart. Kapha people say: to love and serve humanity. Vata people say: being aligned with God. How about you?


True success is not about becoming someone or something you are not, but about finding, being and living your true self with joy.


If you see the source of your happiness outside, you degrade yourself to a mere effect of circumstances and deny your nature as creator of your own reality.

If you feel guilty about being happy, you have been manipulated or conditioned by false dogmas.


People enjoy not because they are happy, they are happy because they enjoy.

Where there is joy, there is no pain.

Out of joy, out of the power to create naturally.

If you have true joy, you have everything.


Where there is natural joy and pleasure, God is present. Where there is pain, God is absent. In true, natural joy, you unite with God. In pain, you are away from him.

Poverty, lack and pain have nothing to do with God. They do not come from God.


Heaven is the mental state where you have conquered your fears and doubts, enjoy and create, give and receive love, and express your divine truth.


Your rational mind makes you human. Your intuition makes you divine.


Healing is making something whole by returning it to its natural harmonious state, in alignment with the source.

Following Your Path

Your honest desires signal your path; your feelings and the sensations in your body tell you if you are following it or deviating from it.

Honor and follow your unique path to grow and respect other people’s individuality. Those are the best contributions you can make to the divine plan and to the greater whole.

What you enjoy, do and create with your life is your individual expression of the divine.


Your passion is the fire that ignites the creation of your reality. Use it wisely.

Passion is the driving force behind a dream life. A dream life is not a destination but a journey fueled by passion.


A hobby is something you enjoy but doesn't satisfy people's needs. A job satisfies mainly other people, you second. A mission is something you enjoy AND satisfies other people.


The universe gives you more love when you love more what the universe gives you.

Authentic love is the real best seller. It does not need marketing, SEO, spamming, discounted prices or extra bonuses to sell.

Manifestation, Law of resonance, Law of Attraction

People usually believe that doing it leads to having it and to being it. The truth is that being it leads to having it and to doing it.

The more you struggle or fight against something, the less it is yours. The more you enjoy its essence, the more you become one with it.

You get what you love and appreciate, multiplied by trust and faith, but divided by limiting beliefs on quantity, sources, space and time.

I say to visual people: VISUALIZE your dreams; to auditory people: HEAR them; to kinesthetic people: FEEL them; to smellers: SCENT them; to tasters: RELISH them.

Embrace the sacredness of your very existence and realize that, as always, the real treasure is found within you.

Anything you seek in the outside world, seek it inside your true self first.

If you only vibrate according to outside "reality" you only become a mirror of it.

Constant attention to lack is the worse waste of time and energy.

Welcome and appreciate all your blessings as the materialization of your true and honest joy.

Try to live your life from the inside out, not from the outside in. Be a cause of your life experiences, living creatively, not reactively.


Attachment means that you want something so badly that you focus strongly on your lack of it, hence you don't get it.

When you are obsessed with your dream, everything else looks cheap. So you do not appreciate what you have. So you don’t achieve your dream.

When you have a dream, but are not obsessed or attached to it and build upon appreciation of the blessings you do have, you are on the right track.


A person who wishes to deceive others is primarily deceiving himself.

Life and Humanity

Some people see life as a trial. Others see it as a competition. Others see it as an adventure.

People usually appreciate the past when it is gone but rarely appreciate the present because they are busy working for the future.

When people show off, they want to see in the mirror of others how worthy they are and convince themselves about it. Do they really need a mirror?

Life is all about feelings. The real value of anything is the good feeling and the joy you experience with it.

Humanity is a beautiful rainbow made of different aura colors and a symphony of unique personal sounds when we all live in harmony.

We are all equal in essence and spirit. What makes you different in this world is the real value -and joy- you effectively add to the world.

Human existence is about appreciating the value you have, creating more value -making a living- and leaving more value to posterity. Remember to do all of this in joy.

All suffering in humanity has the same root: seeing the effect as the cause, and the cause as an effect.

Inner Child Work

All negative emotional states hide an unfulfilled need of your inner child. Doing some inner child work will heal your emotions.

Inner child work: It is not the adult who rescues the child, but the child who rescues the adult.

Communication, Fifth Chakra (Throat Chakra)

To heal your fifth chakra, gently express your deepest feelings with honesty and clarity, to yourself and others.

Healthy Boundaries

Do not confuse politeness with self-denial. If you cannot say no -gently but firmly- when you mean no, it means that you need to love yourself more, accept yourself more and strengthen your boundaries in order to honor a clear and honest communication that respects all the involved parties, including you.


If you want to build a prosperity mindset, learn to happily pay and give value in return for the value you receive from others.


Do not conceive or visualize your future from the cage of your present standards. Be creative, open the door to your own intuition and do not resist hope and trust.


When you are striving to achieve but your feelings signal "stop", persuade you rational mind to take a break. You will get fresher ideas.

Nature’s way to achieve and manifest is wiser than civilization’s. Nature does not strive to get results.

Stress Relief

Overwhelmed? Tense? Try BEING instead of DOING.

Source and Music

The source is energy. Energy is vibration. Vibration is sound. Harmonic sounds are music. Music is the language of God.

Inspiring others

It is great to make people think. But it is much better to make them feel the truth.

The Five Paths to Happiness

How to Find Your Passion and Purpose in Life by Javier Ramon Brito

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